Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda...

This is a collection of our favorites that we absolutely love, but hit the cutting room floor for various reasons. It is our sincerest intentions to produce all the projects we create, but sometimes we have to kill our babies. This section is an attempt to honor those great ideas. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

This was a concept for the 2011 Fred Meyer 6-hour sale that hit the mark with the marketing department, but couldn't get final approval. Thanks to the timing of the "Occupy Movement" the fist was a little too much... even after removing the fist and adding a girl we still couldn't get final buy off.

This is one of our earliest projects (I think dating back to the early 90s) but still stands the test of time. What can we say?... We were ahead of our times on this one.

Axiom asked us to develop a strong, engaging brand for their customer conference. Our approach to this image was to create a unique logo that could stand alone yet compliment the existing AxiomEPM brand.  We love the simple, almost European, design elements. By cropping the "a" and "x" of the Axiom logo, and drawing emphasis to the orange sphere, we created a interesting image that symbolized stability and movement. Ultimately, it was scrapped in favor of a title-type logo.

AxiomEPM logo:


Proposed event logo:

Final event logo:

I guess we have a fondness for the fist image. The non-profit group organizing this event wanted a strong image that would motivate people. What better image of strength than a fist? A fist holding shafts of wheat...Yes!!! No! The feedback included the phrase, "too militant." Wah-wah. Sadly, I think we need to kill this baby. It is possible that the negative images of the "occupy movement" have directly impacted our design proposal, but we still stand by this image and proudly post it... fist held high.

Tripwire asked us to develop an event campaign that used social media to communicate with attendees, engage with new/existing customers and increase brand awareness on the show floor. The concept was inspired by the clean design of Apple technology (iPhone, iPad, etc.) and the traditional childhood game of "I spy." Introducing: iSpy. At the eleventh hour the objective and scope of the project changed. This campaign was not used, but we love this idea and still own it. As social media emerges as a common marketing communications tool, we are encouraged and excited to create more campaigns that utilize this new medium. Contact us and we will develop a unique approach specifically for your event.

iSpy Attendee Kit
1) Tripwire/theme branded bag
1) Tripwire collateral
1) ID badge
1) laser pointer
1) combat-type flashlight?

1) iSpy t-shirt
(SPY: players with smart phone/devices on floor)


(TARGET: players on floor, but not following with phones/devices)

1) what else?
• wireless earbuds?
• iSpy sticker or tattoo?
• Sunglasses?
• Tripwire comb (an effective spy is a well-groomed spy)?
• Tripwire iSpy Flyswatter/torture device (just for fun)?

 iSpy Team (dedicated campaign staff)  

Social media guru – 1
In-booth support – 3
Moving targets – 2

iSpy equipment
laptop computer – 3
wi-fi connection – 1
upc scanner (in booth) – 2
upc scanner (portable) – 2

            iSpy team (Apparel)
            iSpy “FBI style” windbreakers - 6

Moving Targets
6/ea) theme specific t-shirts

Let’s Play iSpy with Tripwire!

Pre-registered Players (spys/black shirts):(players who received the pre-event mailings, opted in, present their credentials and have their smart phone/device in hand)
·       Check in at the booth: greeted by iSpy team member
·       Present iSpy credentials (pre-event mailing)
·       Confirm following status
·       Receive iSpy bag, spy t-shirt (encourage them to put it on!)
·       Fit for ear piece and direct them to the booth media presentation and sales team.

NOTE: Credentials include a UPC code unique to each user which will be scanned at various opportunities. Each scan equates to another entry in the grand prize drawing.

On-site Registered Players (spys/black shirts):
(players who did not receive pre-event mailings and have their smart phone/device in hand can opt in on-site)
·       Check in at the booth: greeted by iSpy team member
·       Register and sign up to follow Tripwire on Facebook/Twitter
·       Confirm following status
·       Receive iSpy bag, spy t-shirt (encourage them to put it on!)
·       Fit for ear piece and direct them to the booth media presentation and sales team.

On-site Registered Players (targets/green shirts):
(players who do not have smart phone/device but want to play on the floor anyway to win the cool prizes)
·       Check in at the booth: greeted by iSpy team member
·       Register: name, email, etc. with Tripwire
·       Receive iSpy bag, target t-shirt (encourage them to put it on!)
·       Fit for ear piece and direct them to the booth media presentation and sales team.

iSpy Rules of Engagement:
·       Spys wear the iSpy t-shirt on the floor
·       Spys are prompted periodically on the floor through updates and/or tweets
·       Spy prompts will be no more than one/hour (possibly less… don’t want to inundate people… build anticipation)
·       Targets are encouraged to wear the iSpy target t-shirt on the floor

The iSpy posts will be a combination of information posts and action posts. Posts will be sent out to players using smart phone/devices through Twitter and Facebook. Posts will also be briefly flashed on the screens within the booth to engage people in the booth and motivate them to sign up for iSpy. (Maybe there is some extra incentive for those in the booth during a prompt.)

INFORMATION POSTS (ALERTS): These updates include product info, Tripwire announcements, etc. Each re-tweet, like or re-post increases player’s chances in the grand prize drawing. No other action required.

Example Post:
iSpy Alert: Tripwire can help you take control of your cyber environment with VIA. (link to Tripwire web site product page.)

ACTION PROPMTS: These will require the players to do something specific with immediate rewards. Action Prompts require iSpy Team Members to walk the floor and act as moving targets. iSpy Team Members will wear the moving target t-shirts and hand out instructions and/or prizes on the spot to iSpy players… players wearing their iSpy t-shirts are more easily identified when approaching a moving target. (should we require t-shirt wearage?)

Example Post:
iSpy Prompt: Tripwire has identified a CYBER THREAT on the show floor. (link photo of moving target) Find the CYBER THREAT and receive further instructions.
(no photo—CYBER THREAT stands motionless holding tripwire ID) Seize the Tripwire opportunity!

TARGET PLAYERS: Targets (wearing the iSpy green t-shirt) seen on the floor by an iSpy team member will be given a prize on the spot and scan their iSpy ID Code. Each sighting increases the player’s chances in the grand prize drawing.

Daily Activities

Day #1
·       Welcome to your Tripwire iSpy training
·       Basic orientation
·       “How to play iSpy” with trial run walkthrough in booth will be available all three days.  When they complete trial run, their iD Code is scanned and they are told that they now have another entry into the prize drawing. This should motivate them to watch for Tripwire POSTS and ALERTS in order to increase their chances of winning.

(sent out 2-hours after start of event to allow time for late entries)
iSpy PROMPT! Look for the Cyber Threat within 50-meters of Tripwire Booth.

iSpy PROMPT! Locate Cyber Breech somewhere on show floor.

Other similar prompts and alerts will be sent out at irregular intervals, but within 2 hours of each other. Users can check tally on Facebook site, website, or at booth on small, dedicated screen.
·       Evening: send REMINDER POST to remind players to wear their shirts and report to booth from 9-9:30am for T-Shirt Wearers Scan

Day #2:
·       Morning: T-Shirt Wearers Scan. As an incentive and reminder to wear their Tripwire Shirts, players will report to Tripwire Booth wearing iSpy T-Shirt for another scan.
·       Hold second T-Shirt Wearers Scan at 1:30pm.
·       “How to play iSpy” with trial run walkthrough in booth available.
·       More PROMPTS, but they will be more difficult to locate than on day #1.

iSpy PROMPT! Secure Perimeter.
Moving Target will be on outskirts of event floor

iSpy PROMPT! Seize the opportunity.
Moving Target will hold Tripwire prize overhead

iSpy PROMPT! Cyber Threat is under wraps.
Moving Target will wear Cyber Threat T-Shirt, but still be wearing jacket.

Day #3
·       Last day
·       Morning: T-Shirt Scan. Report to Tripwire Booth wearing iSpy T-Shirt for another scan. Incentive to wear Tripwire t-shirt during Day #2.
·       Hold second T-Shirt Wearers Scan at 1:30pm.
·       “How to play iSpy” with trial run walkthrough in booth available.  “Procrastinators version!”
·       If they had received scans all three days, we will have a special prize (flashlight, or ?) as a means of saying, “Congratulations! Mission Completed.” We will warn them that as they return to the field, the security methods they have learned will be tested and that at 6pm (or ?) this is no longer a training exercise. When they leave the venue, they are out of the “safe zone.” Tripwire has made sure they are well prepared to handle infiltration attempts, coup d’états and takeovers (hostile and friendly). Tripwire is always there for back up… just in case.
·       Blue Cyber Secure t-shirts will be worn by Moving Targets on day # 3.
·       More PROMPTS throughout the day, but they will be rather tricky.

iSpy PROMPT! Cover the exits!
Moving Target will be at one exit door

iSpy PROMPT! Breech is headed home!
Moving Target will be inside Tripwire booth

iSpy My Tripwire (photo contest)

iSpy My Tripwire is an interactive game players can do anywhere and anytime during the 3-day event.

The Concept:
iSpy players are giving a bag at booth check-in. The bag contains Tripwire information, event schedules and fun spy stuff including a laser pointer. Each player can create his own “tripwire” using the laser pointer and shooting it low across pathway or entrance. Each player takes and posts photos of his “tripwire” to the iSpy Facebook gallery with captions describing “my tripwire”. Each photo submission with caption increases player’s chances in the grand prize drawing. No limit to the number of photo entries. The more, the better… and the more creative, even better!

Where is “my tripwire”?
·       In front of a restaurant
·       In a competitor’s booth
·       At the bathroom door
·       In front of the mini bar or food court
·       Let the players be creative (screen for appropriateness!)

iSpy Gala

iSpy registration and check in at gala entrance. Tripwire is a gold sponsor for this event and will have a prominent brand presence.
·       Register new players (if they have not visited the booth and signed up for iSpy)
·       Scan iD badge (adds another chance to win in the grand drawing)
·       Receive gala give away (TBD)
·       Players won’t wear iSpy t-shirts to the gala, but they may wear a button or pin as a marker
·       iSpy team scans the floor for iSpy players wearing iSpy marker
·       Scan iD badge (adds another chance to win in the grand drawing)
·       Players can play iSpy My Tripwire at the gala and post photos directly to the gallery
·       iSpy Alerts and Prompts my happen during the gala (TBD)

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